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NAPA Auto Parts Leesburg, VA
700 Fieldstone Drive
Suite 134
Leesburg,  VA  20176
(703) 777-2055
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Mon-Fri:7:30 AM-7:00 PM
Sat:8:00 AM-5:00 PM
Sun:9:00 AM-5:00 PM
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Auto Parts Washers

Clean Where it Counts

Whether it's a small automotive repair shop on the corner, an expansive dealership with multiple bays and lifts or just a residential two-car garage, one thing is for sure: the key to reliable auto repair is the ability to safely clean the parts you're replacing or repairing. An automotive parts washer is an important piece of shop equipment that uses water and an array of cleaning solvents, chemicals or plant-based detergents to remove built-up grease, dirt and other contaminants that can accumulate over time, which affects a part's usability and lifespan. While larger shops usually have one or even a few parts washers, some at-home mechanics might overlook this important piece of shop equipment.

Not to be confused with pressure washers, which use a concentrated jet of water at the end of an extended wand, automotive parts washers feature lidded cabinets or sinks where water and detergent can be combined with manual or automated washing processes. Parts washers come in a variety of styles depending on the use. They can be as small as three gallons, such as a benchtop style. Or it can be as simple as a sink-and-barrel setup, which looks exactly like it sounds; a drum is mounted below a sink, and the soiled parts are manually treated with the necessary solvents before being washed, dried and prepared for reinstallation.

In the past, some cleaning systems used undiluted petroleum-based solvents that could be dangerous if they were inhaled, mishandled or ignited. Environmental problems were also obvious when it came to disposal methods. Today, most parts washers are aqueous and disposal regulations are in place to improve the environmental impact.

Scrub Up with NAPA!

A clean part means a safe part, and good cleaning practice is crucial for any automotive repair. When cleaning especially soiled parts, make sure you are allotting time for the components to soak properly depending on the materials you're cleaning. Be sure you're using the right solvents, detergents and chemicals for the job.

When shopping for an auto parts washer, you should consider your space, as well as water access. Ask yourself: Where will this washer be used primarily? How often will I be washing parts, and what size will the parts be? Always check all local permit requirements and disposal protocols for drainage before disposing of used water. Check out NAPAOnline to shop our huge selection of parts washers for all applications. We carry car parts washers from trusted brands like Carlyle and Homak for professional automotive technicians and weekend mechanics.

NAPA AUTO PARTS also offers a great selection of replacement parts washer accessories! Everything from parts washer baskets to brushes for scrubbing and covers to keep your parts washer safely stored when it's not in use. Shop replacement pumps, as well as dolly systems for convenient mobility. Order your parts washer and all the parts washer accessories you need and connect to our professionals from the palm of your hand. Download the NAPA KNOW HOW App today!