NAPA Auto Parts in New Milford is a reliable auto parts retailer providing quality car parts to the community. We've taken note of the rich history and welcoming atmosphere found throughout New Milford. As one of the nearest auto parts stores in the area, NAPA is a trusted source for those in need of replacement parts and supplies for their vehicles. With 6,000+ NAPA Auto Parts stores across the United States, we specialize in connecting automotive mechanics and everyday drivers with quality parts, aftermarket accessories and car care products to ensure safe and efficient vehicle performance. At your nearest NAPA, you'll find everything you need, from batteries, brakes, filters, windshield wipers and motor oil to headlights, hand tools and power equipment. We offer a wide selection of replacement batteries for various makes and models, including electric, hybrid, powersport, marine and RV. Rest assured, our state-of-the-art replacement filters provide the best protection for your vehicle's engine and cabin. Let our experts assist you in finding advanced brake components, such as brake pads, brake rotors and calipers. Stop by any of your local NAPA Auto Parts stores in New Milford today!